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Voscilo 2022
Written by Božo Bratina   
Saturday, 01 January 2022 09:31
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Članom Društva Avtomatikov Slovenije

želimo zdravo, uspešno in srečno Novo leto 2022!

DAS voscilo2

Last Updated ( Saturday, 01 January 2022 09:46 )
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Event Control Technologies
Written by Božo Bratina   
Wednesday, 24 November 2021 15:10
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Invitation to the event "Control Technologies - technologies that make things work"

As part of Slovenian presidency of the European Council, events will take place in the Digital Exhibition Center at the BTC Center in Ljubljana from 27 November to 22 December 2021 under the common name "Digital Exhibition Center - Technology for People". As part of the events on the topic of Industry 4.0 and Robotics, the Competence Centre for Advanced Control Technologies organizes an event entitled "Control Technologies - technologies that make things work". The event will be held on Friday 3.12.2021 in hybrid form, online and live at the Digital Exhibition Center in BTC. The event will provide an overview of the priori ty areas of control technologies for the Factories of the Future in Slovenia. The emphasis will be on (i) artificial intelligence for control and optimization, (ii) digital twins in technical processes, (iii) energy domain in complex systems, (iv) prognostics and health management of machines and processes, (v) industrial internet of things, (vi) integrated MES systems and (vii) some specific control applications. For each of the control technology priority areas, a general overview of the field will be highlighted and a presentation of interesting application solutions will be given.


For online attendance please use the registration link in the programme flyer below:

Programme with registration link 


Best Regards,

Giovanni Godena, VVV ISVOD coordinator and DAS president 

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 30 November 2021 15:11 )
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12. konferenca AIG 21
Written by Božo Bratina   
Friday, 02 April 2021 14:32
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Špoštovani člani DAS,

v četrtek, 8. aprila, bo potekala spletna konferenca Avtomatizacija v industriji in gospodarstvu 2021.

Udeležba za poslušalce na konferenci je brezplačna zato vas vabimo, da se je udeležite v čim večjem številu.

Čaka nas zanimiv celodnevni program s predavanji strokovnjakov in študentov, več o programu konference pa najdete na spletni strani

Navodila za udeležbo preko spletne platforme MS Teams so na voljo na spletni strani konference, povezava za dostop pa bo objavljena na dan konference. 

Lep pozdrav,

organizacijski odbor AIG'21 


Last Updated ( Saturday, 27 November 2021 21:33 )
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